PEMF for Horses - Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy enables a horse to train effectively, compete at its peak, and recover from injuries or exertion swiftly. Consistent use of PEMF relaxes the horse, minimizes discomfort, and enhances overall wellness. PEMF for Pets - The health and happiness of our cherished pets are a top priority for pet owners. PEMF technology presents an innovative, non-invasive wellness option that offers numerous benefits for small animals, including dogs, cats reptiles, birds, and more. Use PEMF to - Alleviate depression and anxiety, Enhance mobility, Relieve arthritis and similar conditions, Promote overall wellness in senior pets. PEMF for Livestock - Stock show season can be an exciting but challenging period filled with preparation and travel for livestock. Long days on the road can lead to stress and stiffness in these animals, impacting their performance in the ring. Help alleviate their discomfort with PEMF, allowing them to relax and unwind during their sessions.
Equine Massage Therapy
For relaxation, pre-event and post-event maintenance as well as, injury rehabilitation. Let us help your create a treatment plan and provide our specialized services to best fit your horses needs!
Red Light Laser Therapy
Accelerate healing, reduce pain and stimulate cell regeneration with red light laser therapy. This device is quiet, with no noise or vibration, and allows us to target specific problem areas or wounds. Great for horses and pets!
EquiVibe Sessions
OPH EquiVibe Services is a great choice for performance, rehabilitation and preventative care! EquiVibe is the trusted vibration therapy plate of the most elite equine athletes and horse owners. EquiVibe can be used to: - Warm horses up & cool horses down - Prevent loss of bone and muscle mass density from injury - Increase blood flow and muscle mass for faster recovery - Improve quality of hoof care, joint health and overall performance - Prevention of soft tissue injuries - such as laminitis, founder and more